Tag Archives: OKC

Ed Shadid – OKC Council Member

Shadid - squareEpisode 27

First Elected to his Ward 2 Oklahoma City Council seat in 2011, Dr. Ed Shadid has been a proponent of open government and citizen engagement. Here he talks about the critical intersection that the people of Oklahoma City are in as we enter summer with a presidential election in November.

Elizabeth Ramirez – Marketing Connection to Hispanic culture

Liz RamirezEpisode 18

Maybe once upon a time in Oklahoma City advertisers could use poorly-translated commercials directed at Hispanics. But not any more.

Liz grew up in the big middle of the heavily Hispanic culture of the south side of the city. Now she helps market goods in an authentic, effective way to that population. How did she decide to take the risk of leaving a secure job to launch her own marketing enterprise?

Andrew Gipson – Game Ringmaster

Andrew Gipson SquareEpisode 16

Live action gaming of the sort that involves groups working together to solve a puzzle has been gaining in popularity over the last several years. And Andrew Gipson’s own development of that type of game is based upon a group escaping from a locked room using props and a series of clues in a limited length of time.  It has become increasingly more popular in Oklahoma, so much so that now there are several locations throughout the state.

When I ask Andrew about the most important decision that he has made, the answer leads to an interesting set of revelations about how that decision has informed his success in this business so far.